5:1 Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ 1 has been fathered 2 by God, and everyone who loves the father 3 loves the child fathered by him. 4 5:2 By this 5 we know that we love the children of God: whenever we love God and obey his commandments. 5:3 For 6 this is the love of God: 7 that we keep his commandments. 8 And his commandments do not weigh us down, 5:4 because 9 everyone 10 who has been fathered by God 11 conquers 12 the world. 13 (I John 5:1-4)
No child that grows up around loving parents ever desires to get big and leave his or her parents behind, or get away from them. That child imagines growing big and brave, but their parents will always be around, guiding them and helping them. Once they turn into a teenager, now that's a different story! That's when kids start to think they are better off on their own, and they start to rebel and go their own way. Keeping ourselves from slipping into 'teenager mode' is a constant struggle. When we get this way we think we know what is best for ourselves, and forget the love and correction that got us to where we are in the first place.
Not one of God's commandments is here to bring us misery or hardship in the truest sense of the word. It is crucial for us to get this, or else we begin to think God's love is less than it really is. I will be the first to admit I have given up too easily, that because I become too sensitive and offended by the narrow pathway that the Lord has put before me, I begin to turn to away from His love, and think less of it than I ought.
Today I made a big mistake. I should have played CBL, but ended up working out which took longer than I had planned, and went to the Ohio State basketball game instead. I would have been able to play CBL if I just went to the game late, but decided against it at the last moment. I know I let my teammates down, but saddest of all is that I would have been even happier being around my brothers and sisters in Christ. You guys really are my family, and everytime I see you all after a long week of classes, cold, and loneliness I remember how sweet it is to be among the Lord's children. Like Paul mentioned earlier today, if we think of the Lord's commands as burdensome, then we will feel weighed down. But if we push every hindrance aside, and bask in the love of the Lord as it melts away our fears, we will remember His peace. I'm sorry, and may the love of God keep us in 'toddler mode' and far from the haughty teenage years!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
If there is anything worthwhile, meditate on it
Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. 4:7 And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds 5 in Christ Jesus.
4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, 6 whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things. 4:9 And what you learned and received and heard and saw in me, do these things. And the God of peace will be with you.
If there is one thing that we in the blessed flatlands of Indiana take for granted, it is peace. Except for those in Gary and maybe in parts of Indy, people rarely worry about being murdered and shot when walking down the street. Perhaps this is why many were so quick to support the Iraq war, and perhaps still do; for we don't see the human impact of it in our face, merely the economic one. When we see that millions are being killed in the name of religion, this is not the work of the Lord's hand, for we worship a God of peace, not of confusion (I Corinthians 14:33).
In today's small group we performed skits and discussed the how, what and why's of redemption. We shared a lot of laughs and I especially like how one group chose to use the passage "Seek and ye shall find" to explain the way one can be redeemed. We also began to discuss the role of Christianity in the world, and how accountable Christians should be for the state of the world's apparent decay. While I believe we should hold ourselves as a body largely responsible, for it is not supposed to be us at work, but the power of God, only one thing I know for certain: pointing our fingers does nothing and only serves to tear us away from the humility we need now more than ever. Christ is the only hope we have, and to take our eyes away from Him is to ignore the 'peace that is beyond all understanding'. Jesus is coming back, and that is where our meditations should lie!
This week seemed super short and reminds me how much more I need to be meditating on the glory of God to get me through the day. Many Christians will harden their hearts as times grow more distressing, and we must not let that happen. Let that be our request unto the Lord; that our thanks will not diminish! We have to keep believing that God's love is enough, for we don't need to wait until judgement day to declare its Truth!
4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, 6 whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things. 4:9 And what you learned and received and heard and saw in me, do these things. And the God of peace will be with you.
If there is one thing that we in the blessed flatlands of Indiana take for granted, it is peace. Except for those in Gary and maybe in parts of Indy, people rarely worry about being murdered and shot when walking down the street. Perhaps this is why many were so quick to support the Iraq war, and perhaps still do; for we don't see the human impact of it in our face, merely the economic one. When we see that millions are being killed in the name of religion, this is not the work of the Lord's hand, for we worship a God of peace, not of confusion (I Corinthians 14:33).
In today's small group we performed skits and discussed the how, what and why's of redemption. We shared a lot of laughs and I especially like how one group chose to use the passage "Seek and ye shall find" to explain the way one can be redeemed. We also began to discuss the role of Christianity in the world, and how accountable Christians should be for the state of the world's apparent decay. While I believe we should hold ourselves as a body largely responsible, for it is not supposed to be us at work, but the power of God, only one thing I know for certain: pointing our fingers does nothing and only serves to tear us away from the humility we need now more than ever. Christ is the only hope we have, and to take our eyes away from Him is to ignore the 'peace that is beyond all understanding'. Jesus is coming back, and that is where our meditations should lie!
This week seemed super short and reminds me how much more I need to be meditating on the glory of God to get me through the day. Many Christians will harden their hearts as times grow more distressing, and we must not let that happen. Let that be our request unto the Lord; that our thanks will not diminish! We have to keep believing that God's love is enough, for we don't need to wait until judgement day to declare its Truth!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Like a thief in the night
"But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. For God did not appoint us to wrath but to obtain salvation through our lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him. Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing." (I Thessalonians 5:8-11)
It is no coincidence that Paul uses the words 'breastplate' and 'helmet' in these verses, for we are serving in God's army! And just like in any army of the world, just because we don't feel like fighting anymore doesn't mean we quit! How many soldiers would be able to tell their sergeant they don't want to fight anymore because they are too exhausted, or they are sick of all the dying? Of course many have, and many more wanted to, but the point is that warfare isn't something we necessarily choose, but it exists nontheless. A lot of times I don't feel like praying or reading the word, but I know I can't live by my emotions, and that there is warfare going on in the midst of my being nice and cozy indoors. Blessed be the name of the Lord, for we need on our heads that helmet of light that guides us and everyone else to the path of victory!
Joe talked last week how we should continue to push each other to keep our numbers from slipping. I need to work on this, and do my part as a member of this blessed body to ensure our growth. It is a pure blessing to see each and every person at Cornerstone, and I pray that this foolish heart doesn't wait for my impending graduation to know this inside and out!
It is no coincidence that Paul uses the words 'breastplate' and 'helmet' in these verses, for we are serving in God's army! And just like in any army of the world, just because we don't feel like fighting anymore doesn't mean we quit! How many soldiers would be able to tell their sergeant they don't want to fight anymore because they are too exhausted, or they are sick of all the dying? Of course many have, and many more wanted to, but the point is that warfare isn't something we necessarily choose, but it exists nontheless. A lot of times I don't feel like praying or reading the word, but I know I can't live by my emotions, and that there is warfare going on in the midst of my being nice and cozy indoors. Blessed be the name of the Lord, for we need on our heads that helmet of light that guides us and everyone else to the path of victory!
Joe talked last week how we should continue to push each other to keep our numbers from slipping. I need to work on this, and do my part as a member of this blessed body to ensure our growth. It is a pure blessing to see each and every person at Cornerstone, and I pray that this foolish heart doesn't wait for my impending graduation to know this inside and out!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
"Do you not know that if you present yourselves 13 as obedient slaves, 14 you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or obedience resulting in righteousness? 15 6:17 But thanks be to God that though you were slaves to sin, you obeyed 16 from the heart that pattern 17 of teaching you were entrusted to, 6:18 and having been freed from sin, you became enslaved to righteousness. 6:19 (I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh.) 18 For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification. 6:20 For when you were slaves of sin, you were free with regard to righteousness." (Romans 6:16-20)
These verses are truly cause to be joyous! Whether we like to admit or not, in this life we are slaves one way or another. This is what makes it difficult for many people to come to terms with, they do not see that they are already slaves to this world, so they immediately despise the thought of being slaves to God. Whether we are slaves to the Lord, or slaves to this world, we are free of one. The only difference is that one equals death, and the other life. That is what we should keep in mind when we fall into sin, not the single act of it, but realize that its end design is to destroy us. The wages of sin are not sometimes death, but the wages of sin is death. Our true master is not death though, for "The law of the spirit of life in Jesus Christ has made us free from the law of the sin of death" (Romans 8:2)! Every one of us needs prayer to see that stopping our sin is not impossible, and that God's desire is for us to concquer our sins (Genesis 4:7). Every day say to yourselves, "I am free from sin!", even if you are still struggling. Believing that we have the power in Christ to overcome anything is the only way we can, so cling to that with all of your might!
These verses are truly cause to be joyous! Whether we like to admit or not, in this life we are slaves one way or another. This is what makes it difficult for many people to come to terms with, they do not see that they are already slaves to this world, so they immediately despise the thought of being slaves to God. Whether we are slaves to the Lord, or slaves to this world, we are free of one. The only difference is that one equals death, and the other life. That is what we should keep in mind when we fall into sin, not the single act of it, but realize that its end design is to destroy us. The wages of sin are not sometimes death, but the wages of sin is death. Our true master is not death though, for "The law of the spirit of life in Jesus Christ has made us free from the law of the sin of death" (Romans 8:2)! Every one of us needs prayer to see that stopping our sin is not impossible, and that God's desire is for us to concquer our sins (Genesis 4:7). Every day say to yourselves, "I am free from sin!", even if you are still struggling. Believing that we have the power in Christ to overcome anything is the only way we can, so cling to that with all of your might!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Prayer is all inclusive!
"Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peacable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our savior, who desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth." (I Timothy 2:1-4)
We all know the story of the prodigal son; every one of us can understand the joy a father would have in seeing His most rebellious of children return to Him, agreed? That is why we must continue to pray for those we would least expect to come to God. This includes Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Pervez Musharaff, Robert Mugabe, the government in Australia that allows abortions until 22 weeks of pregnancy, the countless Chinese, Saudi Arabian, and North Korean leaders that persecute Christians, and countless others. Even Hitler himself started as a child who could have been a glorious blessing to the kingdom of God, so let us not think that any man or woman is too evil to be saved!
I like how Paul says to pray for them that we may have a quiet and peacable life; I take this to mean that as Christians, if we aren't praying and staying aware of what's going on in politics, peace may be robbed from us. That is really becoming evident in America now, where Islam is now being taught from a religious perspective in schools, and confessing one's faith in Christ is becoming a violation of "church and state". Our rights are like our body and mind; if we are not constantly exercising them, they will wither and die. Each time you pray, I encourage you to try praying for a different leader or person that you would least expect to become saved; Jesus came to save the lost, and it is up to the found to bring them to Him!
We all know the story of the prodigal son; every one of us can understand the joy a father would have in seeing His most rebellious of children return to Him, agreed? That is why we must continue to pray for those we would least expect to come to God. This includes Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Pervez Musharaff, Robert Mugabe, the government in Australia that allows abortions until 22 weeks of pregnancy, the countless Chinese, Saudi Arabian, and North Korean leaders that persecute Christians, and countless others. Even Hitler himself started as a child who could have been a glorious blessing to the kingdom of God, so let us not think that any man or woman is too evil to be saved!
I like how Paul says to pray for them that we may have a quiet and peacable life; I take this to mean that as Christians, if we aren't praying and staying aware of what's going on in politics, peace may be robbed from us. That is really becoming evident in America now, where Islam is now being taught from a religious perspective in schools, and confessing one's faith in Christ is becoming a violation of "church and state". Our rights are like our body and mind; if we are not constantly exercising them, they will wither and die. Each time you pray, I encourage you to try praying for a different leader or person that you would least expect to become saved; Jesus came to save the lost, and it is up to the found to bring them to Him!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Being in the light is the only way to keep from sleeping!
"But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says: "Awake you who are asleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light." See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is." (Ephesians 5:13-17).
One thing that has been creeping into conversations with everyone I talk to is how quickly time is going by. It is not something that is particular to certain people, but people in college, my mother and sisters, and other friends who are not in school. The answer is simple, even if it is one non-believers want to swallow: we are living in the last days of time, and the fullness of time is sooner than we think. Today I asked my roommate what he did on his day off today (he works like a dog in the physics lab normally), and he told me he was just killing time. I answered, "Don't bother doing that, time will always win." I was joking, but as I thought about it, there's no denying its veracity. Everyone of us is guilty to some degree of not using our time as wisely as we should, but getting upset about it does nothing: we certainly can't stop time (where is what's-his-name from Heroes when you need him...)!
I was talking to someone today about how Cornerstone used to be much more active with ministries and meetings, almost every day. Somehow God gave the leaders the ability to use their time wisely, spending time with their small groups and still getting good grades. This year I've felt like a bum at times, since this is the first year since I was like 12 where I have gone to school and not worked at the same time. Yes, laziness is not something I can say I've concquered, far from it. I've been trying to use my time as wisely as I can, but often don't and make myself feel guilty about it. What is most important however, is for us to see the value of working hard. People throughout history have endured the most grueling of circumstances available because of either sheer necessity, or they had hope that their work was not in vain. It is crucial that we remain in the light, praying for God to guide us and discipline us to work hard. Staying connected to other campus ministries around us is a great way to reach out too. Don't start to feel guilty about a lack of outreach, but instead pray that God will instill a true love and fear of Him, which will propel us to go where He desires!
One thing that has been creeping into conversations with everyone I talk to is how quickly time is going by. It is not something that is particular to certain people, but people in college, my mother and sisters, and other friends who are not in school. The answer is simple, even if it is one non-believers want to swallow: we are living in the last days of time, and the fullness of time is sooner than we think. Today I asked my roommate what he did on his day off today (he works like a dog in the physics lab normally), and he told me he was just killing time. I answered, "Don't bother doing that, time will always win." I was joking, but as I thought about it, there's no denying its veracity. Everyone of us is guilty to some degree of not using our time as wisely as we should, but getting upset about it does nothing: we certainly can't stop time (where is what's-his-name from Heroes when you need him...)!
I was talking to someone today about how Cornerstone used to be much more active with ministries and meetings, almost every day. Somehow God gave the leaders the ability to use their time wisely, spending time with their small groups and still getting good grades. This year I've felt like a bum at times, since this is the first year since I was like 12 where I have gone to school and not worked at the same time. Yes, laziness is not something I can say I've concquered, far from it. I've been trying to use my time as wisely as I can, but often don't and make myself feel guilty about it. What is most important however, is for us to see the value of working hard. People throughout history have endured the most grueling of circumstances available because of either sheer necessity, or they had hope that their work was not in vain. It is crucial that we remain in the light, praying for God to guide us and discipline us to work hard. Staying connected to other campus ministries around us is a great way to reach out too. Don't start to feel guilty about a lack of outreach, but instead pray that God will instill a true love and fear of Him, which will propel us to go where He desires!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Equipped for every good work
"For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written "Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the law, to do them." But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for "The just shall live by faith." Yet the law is not of faith, but "the man who does them shall live by them." Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree." Deut 21:23) that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. (Galations 3:10-14)
These words tell us endless cycles of guilt and pride in righteous living are empty and futile. Joe mentioned a few weeks ago, "Sure there may be sin and mistakes in your life, but do you still love God? Are you still doing things that show you love God? (or words to that effect). The point is we need to remember that being wrapped up in our sinful nature is one of the biggest means of deception the enemy uses against us. How tragic it would be if, at the end of our lives, we stood before God and He asked us why we never shared the gospel with more people, or gave more of what we had to those who were in need. Do you think He would be satisfied with our saying "Uh, I'm too sinful and unworthy to do such things." Probably not. If God was a sarcastic God, He would likely say something along the lines of "Yeah...you and every single other son and daughter of Adam to stand before Me." The point I'm trying to make is, let's keep doing what God wants, asking Him to show our hearts what His will is. Every single one of us is just a beggar leading other beggars to where the bread of life is. They are starving out there, in more ways than just the obvious!
These words tell us endless cycles of guilt and pride in righteous living are empty and futile. Joe mentioned a few weeks ago, "Sure there may be sin and mistakes in your life, but do you still love God? Are you still doing things that show you love God? (or words to that effect). The point is we need to remember that being wrapped up in our sinful nature is one of the biggest means of deception the enemy uses against us. How tragic it would be if, at the end of our lives, we stood before God and He asked us why we never shared the gospel with more people, or gave more of what we had to those who were in need. Do you think He would be satisfied with our saying "Uh, I'm too sinful and unworthy to do such things." Probably not. If God was a sarcastic God, He would likely say something along the lines of "Yeah...you and every single other son and daughter of Adam to stand before Me." The point I'm trying to make is, let's keep doing what God wants, asking Him to show our hearts what His will is. Every single one of us is just a beggar leading other beggars to where the bread of life is. They are starving out there, in more ways than just the obvious!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wealth starts from within
2:4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of his great love with which he loved us, 2:5 even though we were dead in transgressions, made us alive together with Christ – by grace you are saved! 16 – 2:6 and he raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 2:7 to demonstrate in the coming ages 17 the surpassing wealth of his grace in kindness toward 18 us in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:4-7).
All that we give in life reflects our understanding of our state of wealth. If we believe that we are poor, then we will give meagerly. If we believe that we are rich, then likewise our charity is abundant. When we truly show grace and forgiveness to others-whether it is deserved or not-we are honestly showing what good things Christ has done in our own hearts. But just like the parable of the seed which falls by the wayside, or doesn't penetrate the soil, if our hearts do not "hear" God's love really and truly, then we will continue to think ourselves poor and lacking. Today's small group really helped open my eyes to see that I and my brothers and sisters are truly loved-everyone in the world is looking for fulfillment, and I couldn't be happier to know people that have a common understanding of the means to achieving this. The measure of love we show others is a reflection of the love we feel in our own hearts, and there is none greater than our Christ. I thank the Lord that our prayers are heard, and His abundance of grace can warm the hardest of hearts.
All that we give in life reflects our understanding of our state of wealth. If we believe that we are poor, then we will give meagerly. If we believe that we are rich, then likewise our charity is abundant. When we truly show grace and forgiveness to others-whether it is deserved or not-we are honestly showing what good things Christ has done in our own hearts. But just like the parable of the seed which falls by the wayside, or doesn't penetrate the soil, if our hearts do not "hear" God's love really and truly, then we will continue to think ourselves poor and lacking. Today's small group really helped open my eyes to see that I and my brothers and sisters are truly loved-everyone in the world is looking for fulfillment, and I couldn't be happier to know people that have a common understanding of the means to achieving this. The measure of love we show others is a reflection of the love we feel in our own hearts, and there is none greater than our Christ. I thank the Lord that our prayers are heard, and His abundance of grace can warm the hardest of hearts.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A world desperate for salt!
Psalm 121
"I will lift up my eyes to the hills-from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved, He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by the day; nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore."
Yesterday I went to a conference in Chicago with one of my classes for industrial hygienists. I got to meet lots of new people, see some interesting posters, and even won a t-shirt and Target gift card. Great experience, even if the job market isn't exactly encouraging. Particularly memorable was the ride back. Never in all my years of driving have I seen so many accidents, one right after another on I-65. Every one seemed to be worse than the previous, with even semis completely tipped over. Most amazing of all was seeing cars that, right after passing a horrible accident, would go careening past our van (with horrible tires) at 50-70 mph! People have so much faith in their driving abilities, their cars, and the fact that they aren't dead yet, that they begin to think they are invincible. We need to give God that kind of faith!
God truly does not rest, even when we are too lazy to devote our time to him. I need to break out the 'God-drill' and get this through my skull, for God doesn't work on my time schedule, but His own! Our van made it home safe and sound, even if we took our sweet time doing so. I know that patience is not my strongest suit, and yet would I be able to endure the intensity of the flame if God wanted to refine me at a much faster rate? Probably not, which is why we should not complain that God doesn't always manifest His vision immediately in our lives. Just like the glucose that is used in our body for fuel; there has to be a controlled structure to our spiritual glycolysis so we don't burn up in the refining flames!
"One thing I have desired of the Lord, and that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord forever...."
"I will lift up my eyes to the hills-from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved, He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by the day; nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore."
Yesterday I went to a conference in Chicago with one of my classes for industrial hygienists. I got to meet lots of new people, see some interesting posters, and even won a t-shirt and Target gift card. Great experience, even if the job market isn't exactly encouraging. Particularly memorable was the ride back. Never in all my years of driving have I seen so many accidents, one right after another on I-65. Every one seemed to be worse than the previous, with even semis completely tipped over. Most amazing of all was seeing cars that, right after passing a horrible accident, would go careening past our van (with horrible tires) at 50-70 mph! People have so much faith in their driving abilities, their cars, and the fact that they aren't dead yet, that they begin to think they are invincible. We need to give God that kind of faith!
God truly does not rest, even when we are too lazy to devote our time to him. I need to break out the 'God-drill' and get this through my skull, for God doesn't work on my time schedule, but His own! Our van made it home safe and sound, even if we took our sweet time doing so. I know that patience is not my strongest suit, and yet would I be able to endure the intensity of the flame if God wanted to refine me at a much faster rate? Probably not, which is why we should not complain that God doesn't always manifest His vision immediately in our lives. Just like the glucose that is used in our body for fuel; there has to be a controlled structure to our spiritual glycolysis so we don't burn up in the refining flames!
"One thing I have desired of the Lord, and that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord forever...."
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Remorse without repentance is empty
9:11 “All Israel has broken 25 your law and turned away by not obeying you. 26 Therefore you have poured out on us the judgment solemnly threatened 27 in the law of Moses the servant of God, for we have sinned against you. 28 9:12 He has carried out his threats 29 against us and our rulers 30 who were over 31 us by bringing great calamity on us – what has happened to Jerusalem has never been equaled under all heaven! 9:13 Just as it is written in the law of Moses, so all this calamity has come on us. Still we have not tried to pacify 32 the LORD our God by turning back from our sin and by seeking wisdom 33 from your reliable moral standards. 34 9:14 The LORD was mindful of the calamity, and he brought it on us. For the LORD our God is just 35 in all he has done, 36 and we have not obeyed him. 37 (Daniel 9:11-14)
A couple of weeks ago I watched a movie in BRNG about Palestine called the Gaza Strip. It showed life there through the eyes of a boy, whose father was in prison and whose mother was unable to work, so he was forced to leave school and sell newspapers for a living. To say that it was a one-sided documentary is an understatement, as there was not even an attempt to explain why Israel does what it does, only what (they do). Nevertheless, no matter which side your sympathies lay, it was heartbreaking to see the violence and death they face every day of their lives. But it also did get me thinking, especially after heated discussions with my roommate, about what God's will truly is for the region. Jesus did not die for the Jew alone, but for everyone. As Christians we should not forget this, but continue to support Israel's right to exist as God's chosen people. However, the tragedy is that if Israel did not retaliate the way that it does, it would be wiped off the map. Almost never does the media show the fact that Israel treats its Palestinian population (which is more than twice its size, at 1.2 million) just as, if not more so, democratically than we do our citizens. It is only because suicide bombers have made it a necessity for them to displace many Palestinians away from their homes, such as when they built the wall around the Gaza Strip several summers ago.
My roommate also brought up an interesting point of how we can justify saying that the land belongs to Israel, when I told him that it belonged to the Jews almost 2000 years ago, before they were forced to leave by the Roman empire. By that same argument then, the Native Americans have the right to remove us, since this land did not belong to us either. The sad thing is that this land we have was stolen by Christians, when many believed they were doing what was right in the eyes of the Lord. What is important for us to remember is that in choosing Israel as His people, God was saying "I show mercy and favor to those the world rejects; you who are slaves and abused by the world, I will take in and call my 'special people'. In remembering this we see that it is not our inheritance or color of our skin that makes us special, it is that we are strangers in this place. This keeps our hearts near those less fortunate, for they too, are all God's 'special people'. More on this later, methinks!
A couple of weeks ago I watched a movie in BRNG about Palestine called the Gaza Strip. It showed life there through the eyes of a boy, whose father was in prison and whose mother was unable to work, so he was forced to leave school and sell newspapers for a living. To say that it was a one-sided documentary is an understatement, as there was not even an attempt to explain why Israel does what it does, only what (they do). Nevertheless, no matter which side your sympathies lay, it was heartbreaking to see the violence and death they face every day of their lives. But it also did get me thinking, especially after heated discussions with my roommate, about what God's will truly is for the region. Jesus did not die for the Jew alone, but for everyone. As Christians we should not forget this, but continue to support Israel's right to exist as God's chosen people. However, the tragedy is that if Israel did not retaliate the way that it does, it would be wiped off the map. Almost never does the media show the fact that Israel treats its Palestinian population (which is more than twice its size, at 1.2 million) just as, if not more so, democratically than we do our citizens. It is only because suicide bombers have made it a necessity for them to displace many Palestinians away from their homes, such as when they built the wall around the Gaza Strip several summers ago.
My roommate also brought up an interesting point of how we can justify saying that the land belongs to Israel, when I told him that it belonged to the Jews almost 2000 years ago, before they were forced to leave by the Roman empire. By that same argument then, the Native Americans have the right to remove us, since this land did not belong to us either. The sad thing is that this land we have was stolen by Christians, when many believed they were doing what was right in the eyes of the Lord. What is important for us to remember is that in choosing Israel as His people, God was saying "I show mercy and favor to those the world rejects; you who are slaves and abused by the world, I will take in and call my 'special people'. In remembering this we see that it is not our inheritance or color of our skin that makes us special, it is that we are strangers in this place. This keeps our hearts near those less fortunate, for they too, are all God's 'special people'. More on this later, methinks!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
God's best interest is always ours!
16:1 “I have told you all these things so that you will not fall away. 1 16:2 They will put you out of 2 the synagogue, 3 yet a time 4 is coming when the one who kills you will think he is offering service to God. 5 16:3 They 6 will do these things because they have not known the Father or me. 7 16:4 But I have told you these things 8 so that when their time 9 comes, you will remember that I told you about them. 10 “I did not tell you these things from the beginning because I was with you. 11 (John 16:1-4)
Over and over again in these verses Jesus is telling us not to forget what He is saying. Sure, that may seem obvious and rightly so. But I believe there is an even greater reason why He does: to prevent us from taking offense when it does happen. When we get irritated when things don't go our way, do we stop and say 'Oh yeah, you never said life, let alone the Christian life, would be easy did you, Lord?' No, or at least not nearly as often as we should. By taking His warnings to heart, it may not eliminate the suffering we have to endure, but hopefully it prevents us from turning against Him, which is truly the most important thing, both for His glory and the sake of our souls.
This is a pretty disturbing statement when you think about it, and easy to find parallels to both history and the present. Even Saul the 'Christian-killer' thought he was doing a glorious thing for the church, as did many Romans when they excommunicated the Jews in the first century. The Iraq war is another example of Christians doing what they likely believed was God's will. While of course I cannot know Bush or anyone elses heart truly, the world looks at what we've done as exemplary of Christ. The rest of the world becomes deceived then in thinking that our Prince of Peace is nothing but a warmonger. How much farther will things deteriorate in the name of our Holy Lord? Nothing but prayer and living faithfully can make a difference, war can only bring more of the same (nobody seems to be wincing now that Obama is increasing troops by 17,000 in Afghanistan either)!
Over and over again in these verses Jesus is telling us not to forget what He is saying. Sure, that may seem obvious and rightly so. But I believe there is an even greater reason why He does: to prevent us from taking offense when it does happen. When we get irritated when things don't go our way, do we stop and say 'Oh yeah, you never said life, let alone the Christian life, would be easy did you, Lord?' No, or at least not nearly as often as we should. By taking His warnings to heart, it may not eliminate the suffering we have to endure, but hopefully it prevents us from turning against Him, which is truly the most important thing, both for His glory and the sake of our souls.
This is a pretty disturbing statement when you think about it, and easy to find parallels to both history and the present. Even Saul the 'Christian-killer' thought he was doing a glorious thing for the church, as did many Romans when they excommunicated the Jews in the first century. The Iraq war is another example of Christians doing what they likely believed was God's will. While of course I cannot know Bush or anyone elses heart truly, the world looks at what we've done as exemplary of Christ. The rest of the world becomes deceived then in thinking that our Prince of Peace is nothing but a warmonger. How much farther will things deteriorate in the name of our Holy Lord? Nothing but prayer and living faithfully can make a difference, war can only bring more of the same (nobody seems to be wincing now that Obama is increasing troops by 17,000 in Afghanistan either)!
Monday, February 16, 2009
The mind distorts the Truth
10:25 Eat anything that is sold in the marketplace without questions of conscience, 10:26 for the earth and its abundance are the Lord’s. 17 10:27 If an unbeliever invites you to dinner and you want to go, eat whatever is served without asking questions of conscience. 10:28 But if someone says to you, “This is from a sacrifice,” do not eat, because of the one who told you and because of conscience 18 – 10:29 I do not mean yours but the other person’s. For why is my freedom being judged by another’s conscience? 10:30 If I partake with thankfulness, why am I blamed for the food 19 that I give thanks for? 10:31 So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. 10:32 Do not give offense to Jews or Greeks or to the church of God, 10:33 just as I also try to please everyone in all things. I do not seek my own benefit, but the benefit 20 of many, so that they may be saved. (I Corinthians)
I decided to read this after Joe mentioned spiritual gifts in yesterday's sermon. When we think about causes of war, most of us would say because this country did that to another, or because this country felt that this or that land or resources belong to them. Rarely do we make an internal connection, and say that conflict is something that begins within us as individuals, and starts only as a thought. Like James says, "desire gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is full grown, brings forth death" (1:15). Likewise, when we get angry and want to lash out, it is a reflection of our inability to cope properly with circumstances in our life. That does not mean anger is a sin, only our reactions to it can be.
Along these same lines, we easily develop a pseudo-conscience if you will, which tells us what is right or wrong, not always understanding the word of God completely. For example, I think over the years a lack of confidence, or a lack of seeing that Christ is in me if you will, prevents me from opening up to people and showing a true love for Christ. This is not biblical, and is clearly a distortion that I am praying God will keep opening my eyes to. Just like Paul talks about here, our actions, even if they are despicable in the eyes of men, are ultimately judged by God, and that is what we should be concerned about. Worrying about how we are perceived by others only takes us away from our ultimate source of identity, and does little to further God's kingdom. So pray with me Cornerstone, that all of us will have a "renewing of the mind" that our being born again will not be hindered by misconceptions!
I decided to read this after Joe mentioned spiritual gifts in yesterday's sermon. When we think about causes of war, most of us would say because this country did that to another, or because this country felt that this or that land or resources belong to them. Rarely do we make an internal connection, and say that conflict is something that begins within us as individuals, and starts only as a thought. Like James says, "desire gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is full grown, brings forth death" (1:15). Likewise, when we get angry and want to lash out, it is a reflection of our inability to cope properly with circumstances in our life. That does not mean anger is a sin, only our reactions to it can be.
Along these same lines, we easily develop a pseudo-conscience if you will, which tells us what is right or wrong, not always understanding the word of God completely. For example, I think over the years a lack of confidence, or a lack of seeing that Christ is in me if you will, prevents me from opening up to people and showing a true love for Christ. This is not biblical, and is clearly a distortion that I am praying God will keep opening my eyes to. Just like Paul talks about here, our actions, even if they are despicable in the eyes of men, are ultimately judged by God, and that is what we should be concerned about. Worrying about how we are perceived by others only takes us away from our ultimate source of identity, and does little to further God's kingdom. So pray with me Cornerstone, that all of us will have a "renewing of the mind" that our being born again will not be hindered by misconceptions!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
For our Own Good
"Take heed to yourselves, lest your heart be deceived, and you turn aside and serve other gods and worship them, lest the Lord's anger be aroused against you, and He shut up the heavens so that there be no rain, and the land yield no produce, and you perish quickly from the good land which the Lord is giving you. Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes." (Deuteronomy 11:16-18)
The urge to groan and complain when we have to do something is so easy that we are unable to see that these rules are here to make our lives better. Just like Joe talked about today, as kids maybe we didn't want to brush our teeth or take a shower, but you only get one set of natural teeth and one body, so we need to keep it clean! Every commandment the Lord gives us strength, health and well being in the long run, if not in the short run. Jealousy? When we are obsessed with what everyone else has, we forget what we do, and it only tears us apart inside. Pre-marital sex? Unexpected pregnancies, emotional scars and STD's are just some of the consequences. Not honoring your parents? Leaves us undisciplined and (hopefully) filled with remorse later on. This could go on and on, but the point is to welcome His law with open arms, knowing it will establish us in a world of waves. Notice He says "take heed to yourselves", not just take heed, or heed others. As we do what God desires, His glory manifests itself in us and keeps us from deceitfulness. Let us make a pact as brothers and sisters in Christ to keep his law written on the tablet of our hearts, and not forget His kindness that gives us our every breath!
The urge to groan and complain when we have to do something is so easy that we are unable to see that these rules are here to make our lives better. Just like Joe talked about today, as kids maybe we didn't want to brush our teeth or take a shower, but you only get one set of natural teeth and one body, so we need to keep it clean! Every commandment the Lord gives us strength, health and well being in the long run, if not in the short run. Jealousy? When we are obsessed with what everyone else has, we forget what we do, and it only tears us apart inside. Pre-marital sex? Unexpected pregnancies, emotional scars and STD's are just some of the consequences. Not honoring your parents? Leaves us undisciplined and (hopefully) filled with remorse later on. This could go on and on, but the point is to welcome His law with open arms, knowing it will establish us in a world of waves. Notice He says "take heed to yourselves", not just take heed, or heed others. As we do what God desires, His glory manifests itself in us and keeps us from deceitfulness. Let us make a pact as brothers and sisters in Christ to keep his law written on the tablet of our hearts, and not forget His kindness that gives us our every breath!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Jesus' departure from this world doesn't mean goodbye!
John 13:31-35
"Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him. If God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself, and glorify Him immediately. Little Children, I shall be with you a little while longer. You will seek Me, and as I said to the jews, 'Where I am going, you cannot come', so I now say to you. A new commandment I now give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
For some reason, when I read this verse, I think of the end of the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy, when Frodo is saying goodbye to Sam, Gandor, and everyone else. Not that I equate Jesus with hobbits mind you, but there is a sense in that ending that even though Frodo is leaving them, they are so close that it is like he really will still be with them. Far more so is it with Christ! Even though He is not here in a physical sense, He is in us, so long as we really believe and follow Him.
Even though events didn't go exactly as planned with Liz's church today, it was still a blessing to see people come up from Indy just to be exposed to life at our (hopefully) humble church. This type of networking is just what we at Cornerstone need, both to keep our eyes and hearts open, and above all to glorify Him. With CBL coming up tomorrow, let's keep praying that we show the work that Christ has done in our lives. It's far more than just basketball, it's an opportunity. We may not have Robbie Hummel or Evan Hansborough, but we have a star player that deserves all the glory, and there is more than enough of Him to go around!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Everyone bears scars
I love the verse that Joe chose to use tonight, "Blessed is he who is not offended because of Me." (Matt. 11:6). Being a christian is not easy, and many will fall off course and not return because their past failures crush them. I believe in this passage Jesus is telling John, "You are being persecuted for My name, and will suffer a terrible death because of your love for Me. Do not turn away from Me because of this, it was never My will for you to suffer."
Just like John the baptist, albeit to a much lesser degree, we share scars that, if they haven't driven us away from God, can take us away from the path He has set for us. In today's small group, I got into a deep discussion with two of my members, both of which have great question marks, that are clearly stumbling blocks in each of their lives. One of them talked about their time at a previous church, where the people showed great emotion and cared for them deeply. Now, after time has passed, this person told me they question if it was real, that God was really working in their life.
The other person told me they were once told by their mother, after time spent praying and fasting, that they were supposed to be a pastor. This person believed their mother until one day someone told them that they could never be one, and they were offended, and stopped believing. It was at this point in their life the person began to turn away from God and hit their teenage rebellion years. Of course they came back, or wouldn't be in our bible study, but the effect was clear. Offenses sting, sometimes permanently. For anyone reading this, I leave you with a question: what lies or stumbling blocks have fallen in your way? Is there anything that is in your life that makes you wonder if it was God's will for you? If so, pray about it with a pure heart, or talk to me or someone else who can pray for you. We really need to get past all of our offenses, and know they were not God's will for our lives.
Just like John the baptist, albeit to a much lesser degree, we share scars that, if they haven't driven us away from God, can take us away from the path He has set for us. In today's small group, I got into a deep discussion with two of my members, both of which have great question marks, that are clearly stumbling blocks in each of their lives. One of them talked about their time at a previous church, where the people showed great emotion and cared for them deeply. Now, after time has passed, this person told me they question if it was real, that God was really working in their life.
The other person told me they were once told by their mother, after time spent praying and fasting, that they were supposed to be a pastor. This person believed their mother until one day someone told them that they could never be one, and they were offended, and stopped believing. It was at this point in their life the person began to turn away from God and hit their teenage rebellion years. Of course they came back, or wouldn't be in our bible study, but the effect was clear. Offenses sting, sometimes permanently. For anyone reading this, I leave you with a question: what lies or stumbling blocks have fallen in your way? Is there anything that is in your life that makes you wonder if it was God's will for you? If so, pray about it with a pure heart, or talk to me or someone else who can pray for you. We really need to get past all of our offenses, and know they were not God's will for our lives.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Abba, our Father
"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." (Romans 8:14-15)
I don't know about the rest of you, but I stand guilty in calling God Father, often times without realizing the sincere relationship that is inherent in it. Just like in human reproduction, the progeny of a father carry his traits. And no father, who realizes that his son is an extension of himself, would ever want anything but the best for his child. Abba more specifically means 'daddy' in Hebrew, making it an even more endearing term. 'Daddy' is something most of us throw to the wayside as we get older, and would feel uncomfortable calling our earthly dad by that title. But God has taken the child that the world has called worthless and thrown in a dumpster, He sees beyond the pretty little bow tie that this world puts around our sin, and holds us near His heavenly host. This is the love that should drive us ever onward; there is so many prodigal sons and daughters out there who are tired of eating the scraps this world has thrown at them; pray that God gives our eyes the ability to see them!
I don't know about the rest of you, but I stand guilty in calling God Father, often times without realizing the sincere relationship that is inherent in it. Just like in human reproduction, the progeny of a father carry his traits. And no father, who realizes that his son is an extension of himself, would ever want anything but the best for his child. Abba more specifically means 'daddy' in Hebrew, making it an even more endearing term. 'Daddy' is something most of us throw to the wayside as we get older, and would feel uncomfortable calling our earthly dad by that title. But God has taken the child that the world has called worthless and thrown in a dumpster, He sees beyond the pretty little bow tie that this world puts around our sin, and holds us near His heavenly host. This is the love that should drive us ever onward; there is so many prodigal sons and daughters out there who are tired of eating the scraps this world has thrown at them; pray that God gives our eyes the ability to see them!
Grace is too sweet for words...and it doesn't cause cavitites!
Romans 3
Whoo! It is good to be done with my 3 tests this week! Ventilation, Biochem, and Anatomy and Physiology...a lot of memorization right there! It was worth it though, I don't want to whine about 'why do I have to know this?'...it is good enough to learn period! I pray that will be mine and all of your attitudes too when it comes to our God!
"For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written: That you may be justified in your words, and may overcome when you are judged." (3-4)
This is the glory of truth; no matter how many lies there are that try to destroy, deform, and dilute it, there is no effect. This world likes to put truth in quotation marks, as George Orwell states in 1984, 'The truth becomes a lie, and then becomes the truth again'. Pastor Kim talked at the end of last semester how covenants today are practically meaningless; need I even mention marriage? But God doesn't work like that, His promises remain true forever!
Another point in this passage for me is justification through words; too often we go through the motion in our everday lives that we don't stop and think 'Why I am I doing this?' I'm not saying we should question every time we pick up a book or go to class, but it would be interesting if we asked ourselves, 'What would I explain to God if I died right now?'
"There is none righteous, no not one; there is none who understands; there is none who seeks after God. They have all gone out of the way; they have together become unprofitable; there is none who does good, no not one." (10-12)
It should make us sad but joyful when we read this. Too often, we take for granted how great it is to be around people that have a desire for God. Imagine we lived in a country where there was nothing but scorn for God and we were hated and persecuted for our beliefs, we would act much differently! But we don't...yet, and it is our responsibility to keep turning the tide towards righteousness!
"Do we make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law!" (31)
In our faith, we hold the law upright and keep the Glory of God's name intact for all the world to see, which is why it will never fade! And what is faith but prayer in motion? I know I may sound like a broken record, but it needs to be drilled in all of our heads....prayer is never in vain!
Whoo! It is good to be done with my 3 tests this week! Ventilation, Biochem, and Anatomy and Physiology...a lot of memorization right there! It was worth it though, I don't want to whine about 'why do I have to know this?'...it is good enough to learn period! I pray that will be mine and all of your attitudes too when it comes to our God!
"For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written: That you may be justified in your words, and may overcome when you are judged." (3-4)
This is the glory of truth; no matter how many lies there are that try to destroy, deform, and dilute it, there is no effect. This world likes to put truth in quotation marks, as George Orwell states in 1984, 'The truth becomes a lie, and then becomes the truth again'. Pastor Kim talked at the end of last semester how covenants today are practically meaningless; need I even mention marriage? But God doesn't work like that, His promises remain true forever!
Another point in this passage for me is justification through words; too often we go through the motion in our everday lives that we don't stop and think 'Why I am I doing this?' I'm not saying we should question every time we pick up a book or go to class, but it would be interesting if we asked ourselves, 'What would I explain to God if I died right now?'
"There is none righteous, no not one; there is none who understands; there is none who seeks after God. They have all gone out of the way; they have together become unprofitable; there is none who does good, no not one." (10-12)
It should make us sad but joyful when we read this. Too often, we take for granted how great it is to be around people that have a desire for God. Imagine we lived in a country where there was nothing but scorn for God and we were hated and persecuted for our beliefs, we would act much differently! But we don't...yet, and it is our responsibility to keep turning the tide towards righteousness!
"Do we make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law!" (31)
In our faith, we hold the law upright and keep the Glory of God's name intact for all the world to see, which is why it will never fade! And what is faith but prayer in motion? I know I may sound like a broken record, but it needs to be drilled in all of our heads....prayer is never in vain!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Time is in His hands
"Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love." (Ephesians 1:3-4)
Rarely, when we think about time, do we see it as something circular, but linear, as if it is just a bunch of random points on a dotted line. Instead, it is a perfect sphere, and is under the complete control of our Father in Heaven. This is what I take it to mean when Paul talks about the "fullness of time", for if it was just a straight line, how could it ever reach completion? But just like everything else God has created, time is perfect, and when it reaches it's very apex, our savior will return.
I was tremendously touched when pastor Thomas talked about God and Christs' relationship before the world was even formed; we have such a small grasp on what eternity means, to even imagine what it was like for them to be together from the very beginning is difficult. But when we think about that in the context of the separation Christ endured on the cross, it is fathomable, and deeply painful. In this life where our painful memories are like luggage we can never rid ourselves of, I wonder if, after this world has passed away, God will still be mourning the loss of all who turned away from Him. I can't imagine how anyone could endure both the hope of those who make it and the agony of those who don't, but that is the glory of Hosanna in the highest. Someday, may we spend eternity knowing the answers to these questions, and delight in the presence of Him who has given us every spiritual blessing we could ever want or need.
Rarely, when we think about time, do we see it as something circular, but linear, as if it is just a bunch of random points on a dotted line. Instead, it is a perfect sphere, and is under the complete control of our Father in Heaven. This is what I take it to mean when Paul talks about the "fullness of time", for if it was just a straight line, how could it ever reach completion? But just like everything else God has created, time is perfect, and when it reaches it's very apex, our savior will return.
I was tremendously touched when pastor Thomas talked about God and Christs' relationship before the world was even formed; we have such a small grasp on what eternity means, to even imagine what it was like for them to be together from the very beginning is difficult. But when we think about that in the context of the separation Christ endured on the cross, it is fathomable, and deeply painful. In this life where our painful memories are like luggage we can never rid ourselves of, I wonder if, after this world has passed away, God will still be mourning the loss of all who turned away from Him. I can't imagine how anyone could endure both the hope of those who make it and the agony of those who don't, but that is the glory of Hosanna in the highest. Someday, may we spend eternity knowing the answers to these questions, and delight in the presence of Him who has given us every spiritual blessing we could ever want or need.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Philippians Ch 3
"Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of mutilation! (2)
In this verse, mutilation refers to a "debased mind" (Romans 2:28). This is where true deception lies, as I am seeing all the more, our actions are only a symptom of a much deeper sickness. Show me a Christian who says they do not struggle with sin to some degree and I will show you a liar, for no one can submit every thought to Jesus, for the rest of their lives. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't cling to God in our desperation to try!
"If someone thinks he has good reasons to put confidence in human credentials, 8 I have more: 3:5 I was circumcised on the eighth day, from the people of Israel and the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews. I lived according to the law as a Pharisee. 9 3:6 In my zeal for God I persecuted the church. According to the righteousness stipulated in the law I was blameless. 3:7 But these assets I have come to regard as liabilities because of Christ. 3:8 More than that, I now regard all things as liabilities compared to the far greater value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things – indeed, I regard them as dung!"
Despite all that Paul did in proclaiming the gospel once he was transformed in Christ, all the merit badges in the world are nothing in comparison to the splendor of our King. Interesting in this version how he uses the word 'dung', my NKJV uses rubbish. Either way, it is quite the fortitious adjective and makes clear how little value the things we have are. I look around at my apartment and see my computer, tv, videogames, books, etc., and tell myself like a mantra, "these things will pass away, but His words will never." So often we feel so comfortable in our own homes we forget that all this is so temporary. The Israelites used to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles to remember what it was like to wander in the wilderness by spending 7 days in shelters of tree branches. I bet if we slept out in tents for 7 days we would have a whole new appreciation for our humble abodes afterwards! ;)
"..And be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith." (9)
There is tremendous comfort in these words. I think of all the things in life that people are stuck with no matter what. I mean hey, if you are 4'2", and in your twenties, you are going to be vertically challenged for the rest of your life (not that you would be any less a glory to God!). But if you are lacking in faith, don't despair, pray earnestly! The answers to all our problems don't lie around us, but above us.
"Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of mutilation! (2)
In this verse, mutilation refers to a "debased mind" (Romans 2:28). This is where true deception lies, as I am seeing all the more, our actions are only a symptom of a much deeper sickness. Show me a Christian who says they do not struggle with sin to some degree and I will show you a liar, for no one can submit every thought to Jesus, for the rest of their lives. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't cling to God in our desperation to try!
"If someone thinks he has good reasons to put confidence in human credentials, 8 I have more: 3:5 I was circumcised on the eighth day, from the people of Israel and the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews. I lived according to the law as a Pharisee. 9 3:6 In my zeal for God I persecuted the church. According to the righteousness stipulated in the law I was blameless. 3:7 But these assets I have come to regard as liabilities because of Christ. 3:8 More than that, I now regard all things as liabilities compared to the far greater value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things – indeed, I regard them as dung!"
Despite all that Paul did in proclaiming the gospel once he was transformed in Christ, all the merit badges in the world are nothing in comparison to the splendor of our King. Interesting in this version how he uses the word 'dung', my NKJV uses rubbish. Either way, it is quite the fortitious adjective and makes clear how little value the things we have are. I look around at my apartment and see my computer, tv, videogames, books, etc., and tell myself like a mantra, "these things will pass away, but His words will never." So often we feel so comfortable in our own homes we forget that all this is so temporary. The Israelites used to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles to remember what it was like to wander in the wilderness by spending 7 days in shelters of tree branches. I bet if we slept out in tents for 7 days we would have a whole new appreciation for our humble abodes afterwards! ;)
"..And be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith." (9)
There is tremendous comfort in these words. I think of all the things in life that people are stuck with no matter what. I mean hey, if you are 4'2", and in your twenties, you are going to be vertically challenged for the rest of your life (not that you would be any less a glory to God!). But if you are lacking in faith, don't despair, pray earnestly! The answers to all our problems don't lie around us, but above us.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
It is a beautiful thing that we are people who long for more than meets the eye!
“There is a severe evil which I have seen under the sun; riches kept for their owner to his hurt. But those riches perish through misfortune; when he begets a son, there is nothing in his hand. As he came from his mother’s womb, naked shall he return, to go as he came; and he shall take nothing from his labor which he may carry away in his hand.” (ecclesiastes 5:13-15).
I find it somewhat ironic that, in the midst of an economic meltdown, it is the very rich who are more scared of what may happen than anyone else. Those who are poor and have little will just keep on living as before; trying to make it through each day with food and shelter! It is certainly true that what seems to be never ending in its abundance will vanish and be as if it never existed before. For some reason that brings to mind buffalo, carrier pigeons, and dodo birds; all the animals that people thought would last forever so they hunted them to near or total extinction! Even more relevant that things like clean water, supposedly the most abundant resource on the planet, are drying up and will soon be one of the greatest crises in the modern world unless something is done about it.
I heard last week, when snowstorms devastated the east coast and also London, that salt was becoming so expensive and rare that there wasn’t enough for the roads (they even had to import it from South America in the east!). I couldn’t help but think that God was trying to tell us that we must cover the earth before an avalanche comes!
I find it somewhat ironic that, in the midst of an economic meltdown, it is the very rich who are more scared of what may happen than anyone else. Those who are poor and have little will just keep on living as before; trying to make it through each day with food and shelter! It is certainly true that what seems to be never ending in its abundance will vanish and be as if it never existed before. For some reason that brings to mind buffalo, carrier pigeons, and dodo birds; all the animals that people thought would last forever so they hunted them to near or total extinction! Even more relevant that things like clean water, supposedly the most abundant resource on the planet, are drying up and will soon be one of the greatest crises in the modern world unless something is done about it.
I heard last week, when snowstorms devastated the east coast and also London, that salt was becoming so expensive and rare that there wasn’t enough for the roads (they even had to import it from South America in the east!). I couldn’t help but think that God was trying to tell us that we must cover the earth before an avalanche comes!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord
"Oh Lord, how long shall I cry, and you will not hear? Even cry out to you, "Violence!" And you will not save. Why do you show me iniquity, and cause me to see trouble? For plundering and violence are before me; There is strife, and contention arises. Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous; therefore perverse judgement proceeds." (Habakkuk 1:2-4).
These words of the prophet Habakkuk echo his frustration at seeing the wicked men of Judah go unpunished in their evil deeds, rejoicing in the slaughter of other nations. Although it seemed God was far off, and utterly detached, He was bringing judgement on Judah with the coming invasion of the Babylonians. God was working on His time schedule, for He punishes to the third and fourth generation. As the prophet makes his groanings known to the Lord, and God replies to him, the dialogue becomes one of greater awe and appreciation towards the Lord. We too, as we draw nearer to Him, should cast aside all doubts and bear nothing but praise. Habakkuk ends with a statement which echoes much of Job:
"Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; though the flocks be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. " (3:17-18)
Reading this guides my attitude in the right direction, for I will continue to praise God, no matter how I feel or what my circumstances may be. God never told us it would be easy, but the Truth is a heavy burden to bear in this world, when lies are more powerful than anything else. Keep praying for our hearts to stand up in the face of any pressures the world throws at us, just like Habakkuk did!
These words of the prophet Habakkuk echo his frustration at seeing the wicked men of Judah go unpunished in their evil deeds, rejoicing in the slaughter of other nations. Although it seemed God was far off, and utterly detached, He was bringing judgement on Judah with the coming invasion of the Babylonians. God was working on His time schedule, for He punishes to the third and fourth generation. As the prophet makes his groanings known to the Lord, and God replies to him, the dialogue becomes one of greater awe and appreciation towards the Lord. We too, as we draw nearer to Him, should cast aside all doubts and bear nothing but praise. Habakkuk ends with a statement which echoes much of Job:
"Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; though the flocks be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. " (3:17-18)
Reading this guides my attitude in the right direction, for I will continue to praise God, no matter how I feel or what my circumstances may be. God never told us it would be easy, but the Truth is a heavy burden to bear in this world, when lies are more powerful than anything else. Keep praying for our hearts to stand up in the face of any pressures the world throws at us, just like Habakkuk did!
Friday, February 6, 2009
The fullness of time
4:39 Now many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the report of the woman who testified, 87 “He told me everything I ever did.” 4:40 So when the Samaritans came to him, they began asking 88 him to stay with them. 89 He stayed there two days, 4:41 and because of his word many more 90 believed. 4:42 They said to the woman, “No longer do we believe because of your words, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this one 91 really is the Savior of the world.” 92
Today's small group really meant a lot to me. This semester is already much better than last in terms of our connecting with one another and feeling more like a family. Today we broke up into smaller groups and having only three or four people in a group really got everyone to open up far more. Although it should be common knowledge, I see now that bible study questions are a mere stepping stone to get into people's spiritual lives, that the Word will penetrate deep and change their heart, giving glory to God.
Both of the people I met with in my mini-group blew me away when they said their dads would never have gotten saved were it not for their mothers. And of course if their parents hadn't gotten together, they wouldn't even be in our church! One of them even said their dad came from a anti-christian family. The other told me of how their words to their cousin about Christ changed their life years down the road, and they never would have guessed it at the time.
Reading this passage from John 4 goes along with what I was thinking earlier, how so much in life just feels like a coincidence, and yet we take for granted that this is not really the case. Just think, how all the people in the world end up believing in many things or living their lives certain ways, and yet, with all the choices we have out there, we have come to Christ. For those of you who have grown up in the church it may not seem so astounding, but it is amazing that God is not a God of coincidence! Likewise, if we preach the gospel to everyone we meet, or at least show an unashamed love for Christ that we wear on our sleeves, just think of how many lives could be changed, even if we don't see it immediately! We need greater faith to see that God can work on any time schedule, and that it just takes a single seed to grow a massive cedar of Lebanon (and that even a cactus grows in the desert!)!
Today's small group really meant a lot to me. This semester is already much better than last in terms of our connecting with one another and feeling more like a family. Today we broke up into smaller groups and having only three or four people in a group really got everyone to open up far more. Although it should be common knowledge, I see now that bible study questions are a mere stepping stone to get into people's spiritual lives, that the Word will penetrate deep and change their heart, giving glory to God.
Both of the people I met with in my mini-group blew me away when they said their dads would never have gotten saved were it not for their mothers. And of course if their parents hadn't gotten together, they wouldn't even be in our church! One of them even said their dad came from a anti-christian family. The other told me of how their words to their cousin about Christ changed their life years down the road, and they never would have guessed it at the time.
Reading this passage from John 4 goes along with what I was thinking earlier, how so much in life just feels like a coincidence, and yet we take for granted that this is not really the case. Just think, how all the people in the world end up believing in many things or living their lives certain ways, and yet, with all the choices we have out there, we have come to Christ. For those of you who have grown up in the church it may not seem so astounding, but it is amazing that God is not a God of coincidence! Likewise, if we preach the gospel to everyone we meet, or at least show an unashamed love for Christ that we wear on our sleeves, just think of how many lives could be changed, even if we don't see it immediately! We need greater faith to see that God can work on any time schedule, and that it just takes a single seed to grow a massive cedar of Lebanon (and that even a cactus grows in the desert!)!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
In Me ye shall find rest
22:39 Then 103 Jesus 104 went out and made his way, 105 as he customarily did, to the Mount of Olives, 106 and the disciples followed him. 22:40 When he came to the place, 107 he said to them, “Pray that you will not fall into temptation.” 108 22:41 He went away from them about a stone’s throw, knelt down, and prayed, 22:42 “Father, if you are willing, take 109 this cup 110 away from me. Yet not my will but yours 111 be done.” 22:43 [Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. 22:44 And in his anguish 112 he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.] 113 22:45 When 114 he got up from prayer, he came to the disciples and found them sleeping, exhausted 115 from grief. 22:46 So 116 he said to them, “Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray that you will not fall into temptation!” 117
I'm very tired today between the lack of sleep and giving plasma on top of it. Whoo, I should probably stop doing that, but I need to be able to tithe and this is the only way I know how, except for getting a job for a mere three months. I was told by one of the nurses long ago at the plasma center that one girl always came in and gave all the money she gave back to God because, he "gives her life" or words to that effect.
Reading this again, I never noticed until know that the disciples were "sleeping, exhausted from grief." I take this to show that our emotions can often work against us, draining us of the power of the Holy Spirit when we need it most. This is something I struggle with constantly, not letting my emotions interfere with my relationship with God. But this is no cause for complaint, everyone has their own stumbling blocks, the trick is break out that chainsaw that is the Word of the living God and do work! Yes, going forward in pursuing God is what He wants, not getting tripped up on our emotions or how tired we may be.
It is also important to see that prayer is what keeps us from falling into sin, for when we are praying constantly we are safeguarding ourselves from the incessant attacks of our enemy. Think of it like mosquito repellent which is always within faith's reach.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The times and the seasons
Finding time to pray is something we should all be, uh, praying for. Fortunately, the bible does not give us a specific time to do this, but all around the clock! Prayer meeting tonight was awesome, I think we need to keep pushing each other to take it seriously. If we think of it as just a time to chill out and have some quiet time to ourselves, it will be fruitless. But, if we think of it as a workout, something that may feel difficult at first but is nothing but good in the end, then our faith will truly grow. There is a rather painful saying that goes, 'You can tell how popular the pastor is by how many people show up on Sunday, but you can tell how popular Jesus is by how many people show up for prayer meetings.' I would neither agree nor disagree with that. What times does God tell us we should pray?:
Always (Luke 18:1)
Without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17)
In the morning a great while before day (Mark 1:35)
In the night watches (Psalm 63:6)
About the sixth hour (Acts 10:9)
The hour of prayer: the ninth hour (Acts 3:1)
At the eventide (Genesis 24:63)
By night (Psalm 134:1)
At midnight (Psalm 119:62)
Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray (Psalm 55:17)
In case you are wondering, no I don't know these verses off the top of my head, they are from a very old book I keep with me all the time called "Ye shall receive power". I am not ashamed to say that I grow weary throughout the day, and reading bible verses helps me meditate on my purpose. There is always more to pray for, and above all may our hearts see that prayer is never in vain!
Always (Luke 18:1)
Without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17)
In the morning a great while before day (Mark 1:35)
In the night watches (Psalm 63:6)
About the sixth hour (Acts 10:9)
The hour of prayer: the ninth hour (Acts 3:1)
At the eventide (Genesis 24:63)
By night (Psalm 134:1)
At midnight (Psalm 119:62)
Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray (Psalm 55:17)
In case you are wondering, no I don't know these verses off the top of my head, they are from a very old book I keep with me all the time called "Ye shall receive power". I am not ashamed to say that I grow weary throughout the day, and reading bible verses helps me meditate on my purpose. There is always more to pray for, and above all may our hearts see that prayer is never in vain!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Our strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
James 1:13
"Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He himself tempt anyone."
When pastor Thomas spoke about sin not being just 'what we do, but who we do it to', this is a verse that comes to mind. I feel like I play a sort of juggling act with God, trying to balance my understanding of Him as humble and innocent of all wrongdoing, but at the same time beyond a shadow of my comprehending His absolute power. It can be difficult to balance the idea of someone as powerful and at the same time subservient, but that is because this world doesn't work in that way. Very rarely do people in power show meekness and humility, which is why it can be hard for us to imagine.
"But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown, brings forth death. Do not be deceived my beloved brethren."
We all know that the energy can neither be created or destroyed, but it is entirely different when we think about that concept applied to sin: it always has to come from somewhere, and our thoughts is how it starts. Just like Samson did, we become bold in our thinking, and believe a single thought to be harmless, not realizing the 'slippery slope' we have embarked upon (thanks be to Angeline for explaining the term to me!). The only difference between this and thermodynamics is that sin can, and has been destroyed! Our continued repentance ensures that sin will be as white as snow, by the glory of Christ's mercy. Whenever I feel like sinful thoughts are pressing down on me, or I feel I'm losing my patience, I am staying focused on the image of Christ. This helped me a lot yesterday when I was talking on the phone to a friend of mine. Although he is a great guy I have known since I was a little kid, he could talk your ear down to a nubbin, and it can try my patience I'm sorry to say! But as I concentrated with all my strenght on Him, I became calmer and was even able to bring the conversation toward God, instead of about just things like magic (which he loves, and I share little of the same fondness!). It is my prayer that we all see that focusing on Jesus is something we always have access to, at any time, and can deliver us from the most trying circumstances if we really believe it.
"Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am tempted by God"; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He himself tempt anyone."
When pastor Thomas spoke about sin not being just 'what we do, but who we do it to', this is a verse that comes to mind. I feel like I play a sort of juggling act with God, trying to balance my understanding of Him as humble and innocent of all wrongdoing, but at the same time beyond a shadow of my comprehending His absolute power. It can be difficult to balance the idea of someone as powerful and at the same time subservient, but that is because this world doesn't work in that way. Very rarely do people in power show meekness and humility, which is why it can be hard for us to imagine.
"But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown, brings forth death. Do not be deceived my beloved brethren."
We all know that the energy can neither be created or destroyed, but it is entirely different when we think about that concept applied to sin: it always has to come from somewhere, and our thoughts is how it starts. Just like Samson did, we become bold in our thinking, and believe a single thought to be harmless, not realizing the 'slippery slope' we have embarked upon (thanks be to Angeline for explaining the term to me!). The only difference between this and thermodynamics is that sin can, and has been destroyed! Our continued repentance ensures that sin will be as white as snow, by the glory of Christ's mercy. Whenever I feel like sinful thoughts are pressing down on me, or I feel I'm losing my patience, I am staying focused on the image of Christ. This helped me a lot yesterday when I was talking on the phone to a friend of mine. Although he is a great guy I have known since I was a little kid, he could talk your ear down to a nubbin, and it can try my patience I'm sorry to say! But as I concentrated with all my strenght on Him, I became calmer and was even able to bring the conversation toward God, instead of about just things like magic (which he loves, and I share little of the same fondness!). It is my prayer that we all see that focusing on Jesus is something we always have access to, at any time, and can deliver us from the most trying circumstances if we really believe it.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Meek, gentle, humble...but not quiet!
I wonder at what point we as Christians got the idea that we are supposed to remain silent...it certainly wasn't from the bible! And yet Christians are hesitant to involve themselves in other's lives, make changes in their neighborhoods, or involve themselves in government. When the founding fathers of this country established the constitution, they didn't want the government to take over the lives of the people, but they never expected the people to stay out of the government! We are way too timid, and I above all am guilty of the offense.
By way of example, imagine you saw a man wandering across the train tracks, and you noticed he seemed to be completely oblivious. Then, you see that a train is coming and still he does not pay attention. People begin yelling, but no one is willing to make a move, apparently not seeing that the man is deaf. Finally, just before the train is about to hit him, you jump across and push him on the ground. As the man gets up, thanking you with tears in his eyes for saving his life, what do you think people would say? "Hey jerk, you got that guy's suit dirty!", or "Ya know, you should have just let 'natural selection' do its work by wiping that guy out!" (ok, maybe the so-called extreme environmentalists or 'humanists' would say that). The point is, we need to see the desperation of life and death that is at stake here. God is pushing us, not to bring us misery, but because He would be deceiving us into thinking walking the Christian life is easy. Just as the point of the military is to break one down in order to be built back up, so must it be to serve in God's army! I pray that the message God used Thomas for this weekend will ring true in our hearts; this is more than an emotion, it is a committment, like the mother of all jobs. Keep praying for one another, this is our church, and we must fight in the name of Jesus every day to make it grow!
By way of example, imagine you saw a man wandering across the train tracks, and you noticed he seemed to be completely oblivious. Then, you see that a train is coming and still he does not pay attention. People begin yelling, but no one is willing to make a move, apparently not seeing that the man is deaf. Finally, just before the train is about to hit him, you jump across and push him on the ground. As the man gets up, thanking you with tears in his eyes for saving his life, what do you think people would say? "Hey jerk, you got that guy's suit dirty!", or "Ya know, you should have just let 'natural selection' do its work by wiping that guy out!" (ok, maybe the so-called extreme environmentalists or 'humanists' would say that). The point is, we need to see the desperation of life and death that is at stake here. God is pushing us, not to bring us misery, but because He would be deceiving us into thinking walking the Christian life is easy. Just as the point of the military is to break one down in order to be built back up, so must it be to serve in God's army! I pray that the message God used Thomas for this weekend will ring true in our hearts; this is more than an emotion, it is a committment, like the mother of all jobs. Keep praying for one another, this is our church, and we must fight in the name of Jesus every day to make it grow!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
A heart of fertility
"Behold, a sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds came and devoured them. Some fell on stony places, where thye did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth....When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is he who received seed by the wayside." (Matthew 13:3-6;19)
Ever since I was a little kid, I've always been something of a poor listener. I remember reading old report cards, and my teachers would often comment on how disconnected I seemed to be, detached even. I always loved to read, and would do so for hours, but listening? It wasn't something I was remotely good at.
Mike from the praise band mentioned this parable on Saturday. In this portion of the parable, Jesus talks about the Word of God being ripped from the heart of the believer, before it can even be sowed and processed by our heart. That is still something I must be vigilant about, as at times I become so self-absorbed in my own concerns that I forget the absolute authority that is God's Word so it doesn't always penetrate as it should. This is especially so when I am singing praise songs, I need to consciously, with all my strength, push out all other thoughts and focus on God. Make no mistake, God's Word is alive, with a very real heartbeat! It is my prayer that our hearts beat not for ourselves, but for sake of this precious body in Christ, which is so big a treasure that sometimes our eyes cannot even put it in perspective, but settle on the things that are easier for us to visualize. This was such an awesome retreat, God is truly faithful!
Ever since I was a little kid, I've always been something of a poor listener. I remember reading old report cards, and my teachers would often comment on how disconnected I seemed to be, detached even. I always loved to read, and would do so for hours, but listening? It wasn't something I was remotely good at.
Mike from the praise band mentioned this parable on Saturday. In this portion of the parable, Jesus talks about the Word of God being ripped from the heart of the believer, before it can even be sowed and processed by our heart. That is still something I must be vigilant about, as at times I become so self-absorbed in my own concerns that I forget the absolute authority that is God's Word so it doesn't always penetrate as it should. This is especially so when I am singing praise songs, I need to consciously, with all my strength, push out all other thoughts and focus on God. Make no mistake, God's Word is alive, with a very real heartbeat! It is my prayer that our hearts beat not for ourselves, but for sake of this precious body in Christ, which is so big a treasure that sometimes our eyes cannot even put it in perspective, but settle on the things that are easier for us to visualize. This was such an awesome retreat, God is truly faithful!
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