Sunday, December 7, 2008

"You shall be my people, and I shall be your God."

Sundays are really such a blessed thing I have been taken for far too granted as of late. We should not be moaning and complaining to have to go out in the cold, but excited to praise God on his most Holy of days! Letting the weekly grind wear me out and having pressing thoughts prevent me from praising Him with all my heart are sorry excuses on my part. To be honest, it is once I go back home and am away from Cornerstone that I am reminded of what a blessing it is to be a part of. "In light of God and his word, the past, present, and the future, what is the wise thing to do?" Heavy question indeed, and the simplest answer I can come up with is...stay in the word, fellowship and prayer!

Continuing on:

Chapter 31:8- "Behold, I will bring them from the North country, and gather them from the ends of the earth."

Here the Lord is talking about the restoration of Israel, after the 70 year reign of Babylon has ended. This indeed took place after the Babylonians were destroyed by the Persians around 559 BC. The Persians then allowed the Jews to rebuild the city of Jerusalem, which is accounted for in all its glorious detail in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. However, I feel that this is also a prophetic calling for the restoration of Israel today. I think that God will ultimately restore this region known for bloodshed and warfare, and call his people from all over the world to re-inhabit it. As I mentioned before, part of the US's prosperity comes from its close alliance with Isreal.

31:33-"I will put my law in their minds, and write it on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."

This verse reminds me of Proverbs 3:3-"Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them about your neck and write them on the tablet of your heart." God wants the work that he has done in us to be there for all the world to see. One of my biggest problems is in being too much of a 'closet Christian'. I have gotten better then I used to be, but there is still much more progress to be made. Especially after pastor Dave came up for revival, and he talked about how his Dad preached the gospel every holiday season. Even though people were weary of hearing it, eventually God's love broke down all barriers and they believed. How can we not be moved by that kind of testimony? God's power is only limited by our faith; I know I have said to myself, "There's practically no way this person would want to hear anything about God." But I do not know everyone's heart, only God does. Just image the kind of testimony that could arise from those we would least expect!

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