Saturday, May 30, 2009

God will always provide

I know that my posts on here are anything are not exactly 'religious' when it comes to frequency, but it is a true blessing to have this means of communication. My internship here in Iowa officially started this week, and I really enjoy all the people I work around, and being involved in work around the corn plant where I currently work. We had orientation last week in Illinois, which was a great experience, getting to meet all the other interns and see how we all came from such different places. So far I haven't found a church here yet, and only two people I see at work are Christian that I know of so far. It's pretty amazing how, when one is put in a situation where there are few believers that you know, your spirit will really be crying out to God for nourishment. Try it and see, it's a great way to not take 'just going to church on Sunday' for granted!

It is great spending time with my roommate here and the other interns, but it can also be very lonely too. For instance, we were all hanging out yesterday, at a concert and then a bar, but it got worse when they wanted to go to a strip club. I was the designated driver, but they were surprised that I didn't want to go in with them. Not that strip clubs are my scene mind you, but a part of me didn't want to feel left out either. But then I remembered it is not my job to be liked. Whenever people I work with can't understand why I don't drink with them, swear like a sailor with them, or go places they do, I have to remember the world hated Christ first. Were it not for God's grace, the world couldn't possibly hate or dislike me, because I would be a part of it. There is more than just a good time at stake here; it is for the name of our God.

Reading Romans, I was greatly encouraged when I came across "How then shall they call on whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him in whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" (10:14). Wherever I am, this is my calling to be the salt of the earth and give dominion back to its rightful owner. Each one of my co-workers, fellow interns, and bosses all belong to Him, and I will 'proclaim thy faithfulness to all the generations." (Psalm 89:1)

Gotta love summer :)


Rachel D Kim said...

Glad to see another friendly face update here and to hear that you are doing well! I hope you find a solid church over there. c:

joekim said...

stay strong :)
its hard to stand up for what you believe but i'm glad you are.