Tuesday, January 20, 2009

He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwells in me and I in him...

Communion part II!:

In communion according to the Talmud (the Jewish old testament), the wine which was given to represent passover was to be mixed with water to prevent it from being too strong for the children. It was known as "the pure blood of the grape". In John 19:34, we find that blood and water came from Jesus' side when he was pierced! Similarly, at the Last Supper Jesus holds up the cup and calls it the "fruit of the vine"(Matthew 26:29). Since Jesus, was conceived through the Holy Spirit, his blood did not come from his earthly parents, but our God in heaven! Thus, His blood is the "pure blood of the grape", untainted by sin.
When Adam was expelled from the garden of good and evil, he was burdened with the curse of thorns and thistles (Genesis 3:18). Christ also, before He was crucified, had a crown of thorns put upon His head. Much like the blows he received across His back can represent our physical healing ("By His Stripes we are Healed" Isaiah 53:5), the crown of thorns can represent our mental and emotional anguish. I don't believe this means that we will not have emotional, physical, or mental setbacks, but we are also told that it is far better to suffer righteously than for evil(I Peter 3:17).
I believe I said previously that the Israelites received manna everyday from heaven (Exodus 16:5). Jesus also says that "I am the living bread which came down from heaven...." (John 6:51). This brings me to my main point: why shouldn't we take communion everyday, or at least more often? My hope is that at least we are able to see that communion is an essential part of our lives, and just as "with the mouth confession is made to salvation" so to is communion to our bodies and mind (not that one has to take it to be saved mind you!).

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