Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My soul longs for thee, as a deer pants for water...

In Romans 8:18-26, Paul discusses the desire we harbor in our spirit to see our bodies in peaceful matrimony with our spirit, no longer at odds. I feel that this is something we take out of context with Paul's teachings; that we are somehow supposed to condemn our bodies because of our fleshly desires. We do this in some sense falsely believing that by hating our physical selves we will somehow be able to overcome our weaknesses. Even were we able, what difference would that make if we are not relying on God? Colossians 3:20-22 tells us "..why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourself to regulations, Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle, which all concern things which perish with using..."
If we are trying to overcome our sins our earthly desires on our own merit, rest assured this is not pleasing to God and profits us none. Do not even infidels try to overcome their own sins on their own (ie fasting to lose weight). We need to remember this! Sorry, I'm on a public computer and my time is running out!

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