Tuesday, March 10, 2009

All of creation is longing

Despite getting a ticket for $160 which re.ally wasn't warranted, I got off the hook for some $140 in late fees from the library which I didn't know I had until a few days ago. God is good, I would never see the silver lining without Him!

"For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity towards God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God." (Romans 8:6-8)

When one thinks about this from a human perspective, it is easy to feel that God is condemning us when He is the very one who created us. But this does not take into consideration God's purity, for He is incorruptible and wants nothing to do with sin, despite His love for us. The word 'enmity' means 'A state or feeling of opposition or hatred', and just like the world despises Jesus because He stands in opposition to it, so to does our flesh oppose God.

The fact that God does not praise our flesh as worthy in any way does not show his disdain for us, but His love shines all the more. Our carnal selves simply have nothing to do with godliness, nor can be. Say for example you wanted to get really big and strong, and began working out like a madman. However, all you ate was crisco and lard. After several weeks, you wouldn't have gained anything but a gobs of fat and an EZ pass towards atherosclerosis. You simply can't build muscle out of fat, nor can holiness be built from something inherently devoid of purity. This is why God doesn't talk about the purity of our brains, liver, kidneys, or anything else: only our heart is of true value to Him from a perspective of change. If that is the only thing that keeps us close to our God, then it is truly wise for us to be guarding it above all else!

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