Sunday, March 29, 2009

For this is why we were created

"How precious also are your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; when I am awake, I am still with you." (Psalm 139:17-18).

Tonight when I saw the Michael W. Smith show (which was well worth ushering for in order to see it), Philip Curtis Chapman read this passage, something that he turns to when he is too weary to endure. It is a most beautiful passage; Shakespeare himself would be envious! At the show it was amazing to see how the Holy Spirit began moving through the crowd; at first no one would stand up or really make much noise, but gradually they came to life, both young and old! And this is only about 4500 people, imagine the glory when nation after nation shall confess that He is Lord!

This is a psalm at the heart of anyone who loves God, for they desire to really know what makes God's heart beat. When I was younger and more idyllic, if there was a girl I really liked, I always wanted to know more about how she thought, and why she liked the things she did. Because I just wanted to see what made her happy, and that is the same way I want to direct my heart towards God: what makes Him happy should bring joy to me, regardless of whether it's my favorite thing to do or not (hey, God's not asking us to read a romance novel or anything!). It has been an awesome weekend I must say, and it is exciting to think about the seeds that God has been planting in people's hearts through Coffee house and our fellowship with one another!

1 comment:

Andrew Clarke said...

This is a good witness. My favourite Bible passages are Phil4
verses 4-7; Psalm 56 and...this could go on for some time.