Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Finger pointing works both ways

Romans 1:17-29

For all the Jewish scribes and the Pharisees who may have shouted 'Amen' in the first chapter against the Pagans and non-believers, they now get a taste of the less-than-righteous medicine themselves.

"You therefore, who teach one another, do you not teach yourself?...For "The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you," as it is written." (21..24)

Despite being scribes and well-versed in the scriptures, those Paul talks about are not above the law themselves. They succumb to the same faults that possess those they profess to teach.

"And will not the physically uncircumcised, if he fulfills the law, judge you who, even with your written code and circumcision, are a transgressor of the law?" (27)

For some reason, reading this makes me think of George W. Bush being surrounded in a room by Kim Jong-Il, Mahmoud Ahmedinejahd, and Saddam Hussein, all pointing at him. I dunno, but I ache to understand what grace really means, and it is not found in the law, at least not in itself (as a temporary means of guidance until the coming of Jesus Christ, yes). The moment we get wrapped up in the things we did or didn't do, we move away from grace. These verses remind us that having grown up in the church, or done this or that for God doesn't make us any more worthwhile. His love is the same today and forever. It is the glory given back to Him that comes with our pure hearts and deeds, and that should drive what we do, not a balance sheet for a check we never deserved in the first place.

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