Monday, April 13, 2009

Grace shines in the dark!

I've been reading a book "Captured by Grace" by David Jeremiah for the past week or so (in addition to, not in replacement of the Word of God!). Within, he describes seven characteristics from grace, all taken from Romans chapter 3.

1-"But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed." (21)

Works and righteousness are not synonymous with each other ("But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness." Romans 4:5)!

2-"Even the righteousness of God, through faith in Christ Jesus." (22)

Faith is believing that Christ is who He says He is, and that He'll do what He promised to do (British pastor Charles Spurgeon's words)!

3- " all and on who all who believe. For there is no difference; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (22-23)

We may have differences of what wrongdoing in our world is (most wouldn't put a jaywalker in the same category as a pedophile for example). Not so to God-I always liked pastor Thomas' example of it's WHO we commit our sins against-when we sin it is like hitting a baby in the face, for our savior really is that innocent.

4-"Being justified..." (24)

This justification is not some 'off-the-hook-for-now-but-you'll-make-up-for-it-later' deals. There is no other propitiation that can compare to Calvary. No other sacrifice can suffice (not that it's meant to be easy either!).

5-"Being justified freely.." (24)

As if it wasn't awesome enough to be in the graces of our God now and forever....we receive it freely. There is no currency that can by our way into the kingdom of heaven, other than our believing in Him. We are that beggar who looks in the window at a fancy restaurant, aching to be inside. God opens up the doors and invites us into the best seats in the house, no matter what mud we have on our shoes. The lamb who was slain leaves our filthy clothes at the doorstep!

6-"Being justified freely by His grace through redemption that is in Christ Jesus." (24)

When Jesus died that day, it wasn't like a rich man reaching into his pocket and pulling out a few bucks, He gave everything He had. When I was a kid I read a book about this rich, snotty prince who had a whipping boy that would be literally whipped and beaten for every selfish and cruel thing the prince did. I won't tell you how it ends (because I kinda don't remember), but the point is our 'Whipping boy' has paid the price once and for all. Every greedy, selfish, and cruel thing we've done has been paid for (even the ones we, God forbid, may still commit)

7-"Whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood." (25)

Only mentioned four times in the NT, 'propitiation' is like the mercy seat that covered the Ark of the Covenant with God's people. When God looked down from heaven, He would see this 'mercy seat' atop the covenant, and forgiveness would be granted, on the Day of Atonement. Now our 'mercy seat' is every day of the year, and there is enough room under the angel's wings of this Holy mercy seat for every one of us (the Ark of the Covenant had 2 cherubim that faced each other).

I pray everyone sees how glorious this Easter Monday really is (as my grandmother told me yesterday, it is the 'greatest day this universe has ever known')! Hallelujah!

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